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Sunday, November 4, 2012


The size of the video is constraint by blogger, here is the Youtube link

Tuesday, October 30, 2012



1. Turn on the power switch 
2. Switch No. 1 from the left is pitch disable, make noise when turned on and will affect every key. 
3. Switch No. 2 only affects E key of every root
4. Switch No. 3 and No. 5 when turned on together make a tiny electronic noise. 
5. Switch No. 4 is control of volume from maximum to minimum.
6. Switch No. 6 is key A at root C will always be pressed. 

For best result please select 85-89 from tone bank 

Contextual statement

"Circuit bending - the Minimal art" is based on the concept of minimal electronic music, specifically  drone music which emphasises sustained or repeated sounds by making subtle changes during the performance. A type of music that avoid complexity but deal with sound texture, sound distinction, and timing. The sustained sound can be modified or remains the same at all during the play.
      The play style on this keyboard is different from traditional keyboard. By flick switches on and off, it plays continuous sound over lapping each other that generate a rich electronic distorted sound. When first switch is on, the pitch of the keyboard is disabled, now the matter is how many keys are pressed simultaneously, the duration of the key is pressed, and the selection of tone which is already within the tone bank.

The process of this keyboard is both technically and conceptually. Physically side the keyboard plays by switch on the knob, First of all is the function.

1. Function. The way of play keyboard is no longer is the combination of triad and scale or most of the theory in classical music. Instead, by disable the pitch, the matter is how long you pressed and released the key and how many keys are pressed at same time. By switch on certain knob, you can even loop a certain note, all these knobs can be switched on simultaneously, No need to have any music background to play it.

2. Unique Sound. By the way of its genius wiring, it generates incredibly rich muddy electronic sound. These lower frequency sound waves echo at small space dramatically, it perfectly fits drone music performance. It can be selected sound and effects from 100 sound from tone bank which went through the transistors and resistors that change or modifying the sound by up to 9000 possibilities.

About the recorded piece The music piece plays at tempo of 30 which means each tone lasts at least  2 seconds. It is a beauty of reduction and  extremely lengthen notes. The repetitive structure gives people time to sink in the music. The key factor of listening this music piece is disassociate with the temporary perceiving of the composition of the notes or triads. The lengthened notes and repetitive loops hold the expectation of the audience - "When is it going to change?"  To a large extent, the listening experience depends on both how the musician delivering the music as well as the concentration of the audience. According to varies of receptions and emotions of the audience when listening to music. At certain degree, the audience gained control with the affection of themselves about the performance. It leads the listener to reach to a spiritual meditation.

Influence artists

Sunn O))) 

La Monte Young 
Jimmy Peggie 

Henning Christiansen

John Adams
Philip Glass

The performance audio recorded

Monday, October 22, 2012

Idea of performance - circuit bending finalising

As minimal music usually features a subtle changes of the pitch with repetitive structure. I would like to perform with 4 tones changing per minute. Every minute a new effect will be applied along with the progress. From scale the music will sounds the very flat and plain. However, it will vary the loop when listening as the large extent (the whole track).

Friday, October 19, 2012

An interview of John Adams

John Adams who is a prominent minimalist composer states music composer are not considered as a career. Minimal music repeats a bar for 2 or 3 mins. If one note went wrong or its too loud, then the audiences have to listen that error for 2 or 3 minutes as well. It seems that minimal music is easier than other genres of music, but the persist of the structure make it rather difficult to fix during the rehearsal or actual performance 

Computer Blog Intime by Patrick Dorobisz

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Contemporary music

Contemporary music need to listen consciously, with understanding of its background and existence. "The idea of minimalism is much larger than most people realize. It includes, by definition, any music that works with limited or minimal materials: pieces that use only a few notes, pieces that use only a few words of text, or pieces written for very limited instruments, such as antique cymbals, bicycle wheels, or whiskey glasses. It includes pieces that sustain one basic electronic rumble for a long time. It includes pieces made exclusively from recordings of rivers and streams. It includes pieces that move in endless circles. It includes pieces that set up an unmoving wall of saxophone sound. It includes pieces that take a very long time to move gradually from one kind of music to another kind. It includes pieces that permit all possible pitches, as long as they fall between C and D. It includes pieces that slow the tempo down to two or three notes per minute."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Monday, October 15, 2012

Pitch disabled

With a few pitch disabled switch, the keyboard now turns into a instrument that only differentiate how many key are pressed at the same time. The keyboard now inverses that switches generate tones, the actual keyboard modifying the sound.

performance with circuit bending instrument

What is Circuit Bending

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Business pitch

Entrepreneur comparison between Microsoft and Apple

If you ever used a computer, you probably will know the name Microsoft. Before Apple comes into the market, Microsoft absolutely plays monopoly in the computer market. While everyone else still developing computing languages, Microsoft announced its first operating system that makes computer break through the era of code. People could virtually see what they are doing, it has become user-friendlier since most of the people can understand and operate it without any hassle.

      When I think about the stereotype of Microsoft, it often gives people a character that someone wearing suit and tie, professional and empire impression. While Apple gives a character of young, passionate, creative, chill out in jeans. What causes the different impressions between them?  Lets take a look at the advertisement that apple runs in 2005 “I am a mac”. It’s got two people, one represents mac and the other represents PC. Apple tends to leave people a basic idea that PC is for work, Mac is for fun. 

      Microsoft and Apple use quite different marketing strategies to promote their products. Bill Gates aggressively broadened the company's range of products, through a series of decision such as mass-produce personal computer, window has became the dominant operating system during the early century. On the other hand, Steve Jobs finds apple has its own fans, which are the people who want their computers to be more stylish and has more personality.

      Here is one example. Windows phone 8 shows the specification right after you click the image. It seems to be a culture that Microsoft has. However, it is rare for Apple to mention any professional hardware details like processors’ Hz in its advertising. This type of information is of less than zero interest to 99% of consumers, since most of the household and common users may not be familiar with these jargons other than the professionals. The simple demonstration of how to use the hardware is more popular among these people, and Apple knows it.

      While Microsoft’s advertisement claiming they have got an 8.0-mega pixels camera that will capture amazing photograph, isn’t showing the image that is taken by the camera a better way to attract people purchasing it? In fact, I believe rather than stating these specification capabilities, it would be more attractive to the customers to show them the specification itself by examples.

       To promote the brand and its products successfully, the marketing message has to be user-centric and inspirational. There is no other company does emotional marketing as well as Apple. For instance, Apple’s Facetime commercials emphasized that people could make video calls to your family and friends right through the phone without installing any additional application. 

       “Markets for new innovative products do not exist, they have to be created, and defined.” Apple has never been afraid of introducing new products. It does not matter if there is an existing market for their products, they will create a demand for it. “It's really hard to design products by focus groups. A lot of times, people don't know what they want until you show it to them.”  - Steve Jobs

        I have looked at both Microsoft and Apple’s education’s webpage. Microsoft focus on showing what ‘hot deals’ they currently have, the different deals are orderly placed in 6 blocks. The picture of the disc cases are also shown on the webpage, but what is the point of showing the image of what the disk case is like when people could download the software without retrieving the actual disc. On the other hand, Apple’s webpage is filled with appealing photos of students using and enjoying apple products in real-life, with very energetic slogans, which include key words like “the whole new” “engage” ”fun”. It seems like that the price of the products do not matter anymore, the only question left is “do you want a mac? “ 

      In 2010, Apple’s ice-breaking tablet pc – iPad created a new record. According to Peter King, Director at Strategy Analytics Stats that "Global tablet shipments grew 26 percent sequentially to reach 4.4 million units in Quarter three of 2010. Apple was clearly the market leader during the quarter, capturing an impressive 95 percent share with the iPad and beating Android into second place."  Apple’s the other signature product, the iPods, it also changed the way people listen to music as well as the whole music industry. In fact, Apple wins the campaign of almost every personal computer device development in a large scale. It has become a leading company in its industry.
      Ever since the iPhone and iPad have been released, Apple has gradually catching up, and now even bypass Microsoft at net worth.  The advertisements of Apple’s gadgets are far more attractive to young audiences, which also correspondingly pulled up Macintosh’s sale. After the first iPhone was released, the sales of mac grows dramatically from 65 million units to roughly 120 millions, which is nearly half of the amount of mac’s entire 28 years history. 

      The key factor of being a successful entrepreneur obviously is to develop an attractive product or service, as well as use the right marketing idea. Targeting the specific group is the first thought you should ever come across. Then you should mold your product into something the target customer would like and proud to own by create slogan or advertise it. Whether young or mature, professional or leisure, it is important to summaries the life style of your customers with few simple words that describe their life also represent your company. Use those words to advertise featuring with your specialist to attract the interest of that target group, make them think it’s convenient and stylish to use the product.  As long as you are on that stage, user experience is the most important thing to consider. At that matter, it could be the user interface for software, taste or service of the restaurant. Emotional branding the product, following up with how people applying your product in real life. It is not prior consideration when people purchasing your product while it become fashion. 

http://www.biography.com/people/bill-gates-9307520?page=1 bill gates bio

http://blog.openviewpartners.com/apples-marketing-strategy-history-repeats-itself/ June 14, 2011 by Tien Anh Nguyen

http://www.fiercemobilecontent.com/press-releases/strategy-analytics-apple-captures-95-percent-share-global-tablet-shipments-q3-2010  November 2, 2010

http://www.asymco.com/2012/02/16/ios-devices-in-2011-vs-macs-sold-it-in-28-years/ Horace Dediu

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Monday, August 27, 2012

The proper way of soldering

Soldering is not a question of dropping melted solder onto a joint. Rather, one must first melt a thin layer of solder onto each surface, then let them cuddle up to one another while you heat both surfaces to re-melt the solder until it commingles to form a strong bond. The process is similar to gluing wood: the strongest bond comes from permeating the surfaces of both pieces of wood with a layer of glue before assembly, rather than just squeezing out a blob of glue and slapping them together.  (Handmade electronic music by N.Collins) 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Good tutorial for msp! But my one doesn't work

I ve find out the crack version of max/msp only has max. All of the map object seems only work when the first time I open it. Shame for no student version.

Very friendly tutorial


Buying a midi keyboard

I am scared about hacking stuff as i destroyed 5 keyboards when either soldering or wiring them.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Concept of TUIO

This mutil touch user interface is based on projector and camera which display the UI and detect the motion or any tagged object.

ReacTivision showcase