I made this because the labyrinth was so called an unconscious drawing three thousand years ago. I am proving it can be made totally mathematical way. The tradition way of drawing labyrinth, there's drawback that it can't tell the how bend the curves are. The labyrinth looks like a mushroom is actually composed by only semi-circles, quarter-circles and straight lines. Each circle's radius equal to quantity of circles plus the radius of the smallest circle. Where as
radius of each circle=x*N+(x/2)
X stands for the smallest circle's radius or the width of the path, N stands for the quantity of circles.
For instance if you want draw a 7 circles labyrinth, we assume the width of the path is 30cm. The 7th circle's radius should be 30*7+15=225cm.
Throughout making the labyrinth, I found out 3 circular labyrinth, consists by 4 semi-circles at the top half, the smallest one's diameter determine the path width. All the semi-circles' center are on a fixed point. What I made a mistake was taking the radius as diameter of the smallest circle, thus the center of the labyrinth became 4 times of path's width instead of 3. Two and three quarter-circles on each side that connect the top 4 semi-circles. The side which got three quarter-circles' center is one side of the smallest semi-circle. The side which got two quarter-circles' center is the free end of the second semi-circle from inside.
This labyrinth was made by cupboard, so an additional holder is required to keep its shape.